Strengthening Child Protection Systems for a Safe & Protective Environment for Children in Somaliland
The proposed project is well aligned with Save the Children Somalia Country Strategy. It contributes to the broad objectives one that contributes to equitable access to quality services for children, objective two on protective rights upheld for children and objective four that focuses on effective state institutions for children. Thematically,
The project contributes to the overall impact of the Child Protection Thematic Strategy 2013-2016 that states,” Children in Somalia/Somaliland enjoy their right to protection from abuse, neglect, exploitation and violence”, as well as the Global CP Initiative priorities 1& 2 on Children without Appropriate Care & Child Protection in Emergencies respectively.
Therefore, to respond all above detailed child protection issues AYODA collaborating with Save the Children International Somaliland office and other CP stakeholders has implemented marvelously 14 different activities under four outputs.
AYODA has been working Child protection and child right programs effectively for the last ten years in Awdal region. AYODA has commenced the implementation of Realization of Children’s Rights and strengthening child protection system projects in partnership with Save the Children.
The project Impact is Children’s Rights Realized in Somaliland and there are two outcomes designed to achieve that impact which are 1-Legal frameworks and strategies are in harmony with UNCRC & ACRWC 2-Improve the knowledge of policy makers, civil society organizations and children on children’s rights, and enhance their capacity to advocate, respect and promote the rights of children in Somaliland. Under this RCR project there are six Expected Outputs with many relevant activities planned to reach above overall project impact during the project period.
Strengthening Child Protection Systems for a Safe & Protective Environment for Children in Somaliland
The proposed project is well aligned with Save the Children Somalia Country Strategy. It contributes to the broad objectives one that contributes to equitable access to quality services for children, objective two on protective rights upheld for chil