PSEA Awareness

Saturday February 06, 2021 - 10:41:18 in Sliding Images by Super Admin
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    PSEA Awareness

    PSEA Awareness

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PSEA Awareness







Prevention of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse 




What is PSEA?

"The term "sexual exploitation” means any actual or attempted abuse of a position of vulnerability, differential power, or trust, for sexual purposes, including, but not limited to, profiting monetarily, socially or politically from the sexual exploitation of another.” The term "sexual abuse” refers to sexual behavior engaged by force, constraint or within a dynamic of unequal power; the suggestion of such behavior also constitutes sexual abuse”.

PSEA represents all efforts put into place to prevent such abuses from occurring.


Why is it important to our work?

·SexualExploitation and Abuse represents a catastrophic failure in the protection of beneficiaries.

·SEA harms those whom World Vision is mandated to serve by posing a direct threat to the community’s social net and security.

·SEA undermines the reputation of our work and organization as well as the relationship of trust and accountability which we strive to maintain with the communities.

·SEA goes against WV code of conduct for staff; under the code staff are required to report incidents relating to other staff but also to make efforts in preventing such occurrences in the communities.

·Most importantly, SEA violates universally recognized international legal norms and standards.



·Children are some of the most vulnerable groups of beneficiaries, we therefore ask that you payspecial attention to situations where they are involved.

·Although we focus on sexual exploitation and abuse, other forms of abuse of power, such as financial exploitation, do exist and can affect all beneficiaries regardless of their age or gender. We must work to prevent, monitor and respond to this kind of abuse as well.



What is my responsibility, as a staff member, in addressing/reporting SEA?

·Understanding what Sexual Exploitation and Abuseis.

·Staying alert and being able to identify it when it happens.

·Reporting any case of sexual exploitation you witness or hear about in the field immediately(i.e. beneficiaries being asked for sexual favors in exchange for WV goods or acceptance into WV programs, by staff or camp comity members) to HR when it involves WV staff and to the Protection Team when it involves all others (i.e: camp committee member, landlord, …etc).

·Encouraging beneficiaries to speak-out and report any such cases in their communities by using the complaints mechanism developed by the HAT team.


I acknowledge that I have attended training on PSEA and that I have read and understood the principles in this document as an employee, contractor or visitor of World Vision.




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