As a part of efforts to prevention and control the spread of Acute watery diarrhea (AWD)
As a part of efforts to prevention and control the spread of Acute watery diarrhea (AWD), Africa Youth Development Association - AYODA, in collaboration with the Ministry of Health Development in Awdal region, has successfully delivered hygiene kits to 50 families living in the HAYAYABE IDP in Borama!…FLASH REPORT
Heavy Rains and Strong Winds displace nearly 200 people and Damage 30 Houses in Garbadadar town, Lughaya Distict on Friday 15 September,2023E wash Intervention Training in Borama
AYODA Program manager and project staff organized and conducted three days training for Sanitation and Hygiene promotion to 20 Borama IDP Community committees in Haldor Hotel Borama. The training is part of Sanitation & hygiene interventions Project funded by USAID, managing by UNICEF and implementing…E Wash Intervention Training Lughaya
AYODA officers led by Field Officer at Lughaya district & Awdal Regional public health officer Launched Emergency Sanitation and Hygiene Project in lughaya district . Inittially, AYODA Team and ministry of health met vice chairman of lughaya district. AYODA also conducted Rapid Assessment and opened…