E Wash Intervention Training Lughaya
AYODA officers led by Field Officer at Lughaya district & Awdal Regional public health officer Launched Emergency Sanitation and Hygiene Project in lughaya district . Inittially, AYODA Team and ministry of health met vice chairman of lughaya district.
AYODA also conducted Rapid Assessment and opened three days training on Sanitation & Hygiene promotion to Lughaya IDP , Gargaara IDP, Garbodadar IDP , Karuura IDP, the training was held in lughaya town.
USAID - US Agency for International Development
UNICEF. Wasaaradda Biyaha JSL Wasaaradda Horumarinta Caafimaadka JSL

E Wash Intervention Training Lughaya
AYODA officers led by Field Officer at Lughaya district & Awdal Regional public health officer Launched Emergency Sanitation and Hygiene Project in lughaya district . Inittially, AYODA Team and ministry of health met vice chairman of lughaya dist