E wash Intervention Training in Borama

Tuesday November 01, 2022 - 09:11:52 in Sliding Images by Super Admin
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    E wash Intervention Training in Borama

    AYODA Program manager and project staff organized and conducted three days training for Sanitation and Hygiene promotion to 20 Borama IDP Community committees in Haldor Hotel Borama. The training is part of Sanitation & hygiene interventions P

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AYODA Program manager and project staff organized and conducted three days training for Sanitation and Hygiene promotion to 20 Borama IDP Community committees in Haldor Hotel Borama. The training is part of Sanitation & hygiene interventions Project funded by USAID, managing by UNICEF and implementing by AYODA organization in IDP camps in Borama, Lughaya & Odwayne districts of Somaliland. The regional health coordinator, PHC coordinator, NDRA regional coordinator and Executive secretary of Borama municipality were participated the opening of that training. Trainees IDP Community committees are expected to mobilise thier communities for better Sanitation and Hygiene and prevention for Diseses, AWD/Cholera and Fever resulting by unhygienic, stagnant water and wastes in IDP camps and host communities in Borama town. USAID - US Agency for International Development UNICEF Wasaaradda Biyaha JSL Wasaaradda Horumarinta Caafimaadka JSL Hay'adda Qaxoontiga Iyo Barakacayaasha Qaranka https://youtu.be/f-Mh1-Xsqog

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